By this stage I was jumping for joy because i could see the bag forming and I knew i was nearly there. Anyway i had to go back to my lining and unpick a small amount so my hand could fit in. So then we put the bag inside the lining and sewed along the top. Then were I had unpicked the hole I pulled the bag through. Then I had to sew right around the top again for strength. Then simply cut all the threads and your DONE!!!!!!! This isn't my photo, its one of my friends.
We got our long piece of fabric and sewed 2 edges. Then we got a curtain rod and turned it in the right way. Then pressed it so the seam was in the middle and sewed two lines on either side. After we sewed it on to our bag straight stitch across. But it didn't feel strong enough so I did it a few times. This is not my bag this is a friend of mines because I forgot to take a photo at this stage.
For flap we had right sides together and we sewed along 3 of the for edges. Then turned it in the right way and sewed across the top.

For our outside of the bag we first pinned our little piece of fabric on the bottom. It looked funny because it had interface on it. So we pinned the little piece to the bottom and sewed ten straight lines horizontally. Then we sewed the two sides together and boxed the corners. Then cut the corners and turned it in the right way.
Then we sewed the flap to the bag we simply straight stitched across the top, but we had to be careful not to sew the ag together.

Next we were sewing our Tie Dye lining. First we sewed our pocket into about the middle of the lining. Then we put the right sides together and sewed the two edges of our lining . Then we boxed the corners. We first made a really weird shape and then straight stitched across the top. Same on the other side. Then we had to cut the corners. Then it was as simple as folding it in the right way.
We finally started sewing. First we took our pocket and zig zagged the edges. Then straight stitched the top. Then we did a 1cm fold and creased it with the iron then again. Then we straight stitch across the crease so it stays stayed in place. Then folded the zig zigged edges and creased them. Then we got our liner and sewed straight stitch along the edges and I made a little pocket for my phone.

We had like a little practice sew with Ms Nowland and Mrs McDonnell. We all brought our sewing machines to where we were sitting and we got a thread and a bobbin. We learnt how to thread the needle and bobbin. We also learnt about all the settings.

For our embroidery design we had to draw our design in a box 16 x 16 and we had a rough copy a good copy and the one we wanted on our bag. Mine was a yellow sun with sunshine written above it. After we did our drawings we had to give them to Ms Nowland and Mrs McDonell and they uploaded it onto the computer which put it on an app called Janome customiser. Then the next day we went to the computer lab and we had to put the colour into our design and make it perfect. Then the next day when we were back in our class room we got our flap and put a piece of paper to show where we wanted our design. Then Mrs McDonell put the flaps into the Janome Embroidery Machine and taa-daa there was our design. These are also some of my friends ones.

When we were cutting our tie dye we had stencils we had to trace with tailors chalk. Then we had to cut it with fabric scissors. We had to cut and A4 piece of
paper for our pocket. Then a liner to line the inside of our bag. We also had to cut our outside of our bags my colour was green and we had to cut a flap, a strap then the major part of the bag we did the same procedure for the Tie Dye.

On our first day we coloured our tie dye cotton sheet after Mrs McDonell had soaked it over night in soda ash. Then we got our cotton sheet and swirld it and tied it with elastic bands. Then we used fabric dye to dye our cotton sheets I used the colours Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue and Purple. 


    The day we did the tie dying it was my first time and I really enjoyed it so I recommend you guys to do it. :)